MARs Neem Butter (4 oz)
MARs Neem Butter is a 2 in 1 formula created to enhance hair and skin wellness, inspired by ancient Indian beauty secrets. Based on its formulation of ingredients, the anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties help strengthen and stimulate hair growth, detangle and condition, reduce dandruff and itchy scalp, as well as moisturizes dry hair and skin. It is an excellent wound healer that helps the skin rapidly create collagen fibers to close the wound. It provides a great soothe feeling to your skin, treats acne, and relieves eczema symptoms.
As a result of the infinite benefits, customer have referred to it as "MARs Magic". Testimonials mentioned the ease of the hair detangle process, alleviation of eczema symptoms, cured yeast inflection, treated a spider bite overnight, relieved discomfort of hemorrhoids, lubricant and after shave moisturizer, reduce cellulite and has replaced facial moisturizers due to the improvements in the appearance of their skin. It can be applied to your entire body to experience the healing benefits.
Ingredients: Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Organic leaf, seed oil, leaf powder, Cocos nucifera (Organic Coconut Oil), Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe vera)
Apply the desired amount of MARs Neem Butter directly to hair and skin (May be used daily)
Hair: Massage into the scalp using fingertips to rejuvenate the scalp and replenish hair moisture.
Skin: Massage into dry akin to restore hydration.